I help you lose weight, gain energy & heal your hypothyroidism naturally through the power of plants

My Story

My name is Chrissy and my journey with hypothyroidism began when I was just a teenager. It all started with a swelling in my throat that caught my mum's attention. The swelling turned out to be a goiter.

I was prescribed 25mg of Levothyroxine, then 50mg and eventually 75mg.

Fatigue and exhaustion became regular features of my life. As if the sleepiness and weight gain weren't bad enough, my periods became irregular.

According to mainstream healthcare there was no cure and medication was the only answer. Over time I resigned myself to this fate.

But then a cleanse entered my life. What followed was nothing short of miraculous. As I healed my body, I shrunk from a size 16 to a size 10. I discovered a new lease of life and more energy than in my twenties.

Yet I couldn't ignore countless others suffering the same condition. And it frustrated me to witness doctors dishing out medication or - worse - surgery, when there were alternative paths to explore.

No matter where you're at, there is always something you can do to get one step closer to healing. This isn't just about physical health, it's returning your quality of life and mental wellness.

Let's take the journey together.

Food for Thrive Diet

Thyroid Thrive Program

My signature 4 week program. This is designed to reboot your thyroid. Including plant-based alternatives and lifestyle shifts that are beginner-friendly and will improve your energy, support weight loss and tune up your thyroid health.

true success story and happy person

1:1 Coaching

If you're looking for the most effective route toward your goals, 1:1 coaching is it. Together we'll look at your progress, work out the best way forward with lots of recommendations, tips and support from me.

Women’s team. Group of women holding hands

Group Coaching

This is a great value option which includes the support of a community. Weekly sessions allow you to share your progress, challenges and questions with me and a small group of people. Build bonds with others on your journey whilst accessing support for a lower cost.

Lighted Candles on Bronze Tray on Bed


Book a free consultation with me to discuss any health concern, get recommendations and receive an immediate response to help you out.

A one-off consultation and bespoke Wellness Plan. Perfect if you want a detailed response on any health issue. Herbs, diet, supplements, teas, tinctures and many more recommendations may be included.

Go deep into your thyroid health together. 12 x 1 hr weekly sessions. This may also be used together with any Health Mastery Institute programs I am running. Payment Plan available.

12 x 1 hr weekly sessions with a live group (replay available). Private Facebook community included. This may also be used together with any Health Mastery Institute programs I am running. Payment Plan available.

thyroid thrive (COMING SOON)

4 week beginner-friendly program designed to tune up your thyroid, boost energy and support weight loss.

"I felt I was not alone in this"


"Chrissy is great at speaking with you and trying to help"

"Chrissy is welcoming"


Email: hello@hypothyroidismcoach.com


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